Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Information and Communication Technologies †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Information and Communication Technologies. Answer: Introduction Hilton Hotels and Resorts is one of the most popular and iconic global brand. The company was originally founded by Conrad Hilton. Hiltons have more than 570 properties in 85 countries and territories across six continents. This company is managed, owned and franchised by independent operators of Hilton. It is one of the largest brands in the world. This brand targets both the leisure travelers and business travelers with locations in the major centers in the city, convention centers. In this report it talks about the unique campaign strategy that the industry can refer to. $ 65 billion revenue source had been tapped by secondary research produced on LGBT travelers. (Liu et al. 2015) Report is used as a resource that is producing the statement that 94 percent of the LGBT audience will go out of their way to purchase services aimed toward them. This is an innovative campaign and therefore there are no hardcore output objectives. This campaign has numerical goals listed, the impact of the goal is assumed o be larger and should have a positive impact. This report will show how the LGBT travelers might respond, and thereafter they it will give output goals and will show the segmentation of their market. One of the main objectives of this campaign is to enter the LGBT conversation and finally establish the travel consideration among the audience. This will also show that ho the company gives importance to this segment of the society. In general the main objective of this campaign were kept abstract, as Hilton was testing something whose result was unexpected and they can only hope for a positive result (Minazzi and Lagrosen 2013). Promotional Campaign Strategy The key factor of this strategy is the participation of the individual hotel. There will be sensitivity training which will make the new targeted LGBT training more comfortable. Even though Hilton Hotels is an iconic hotel which attracts people from all over the brand but to get more visitors and to get all kinds of customers they focused on this section of the society, who are often ignored. They have gone through different kind of research to see the how this strategy will work. In quantitative research it was shown that secondary research will produce on LGBT travelers (Winston and Cahill 2013). This campaign will show that Hilton genuinely values this particular campaign as it deals with a sensitive issue as well. The main idea of this campaign is to make sure that people should choose Hilton and then go out, this basically pointed out to the LGBT experience that is coming out. This campaign package included several offers. They are giving ten percent off with the best rate avail able, double points for Hilton Honors for the brands loyalty program, free hold on the their most read gay magazine for one year, free internet and they can checkout according to them (Verhoef and Lemon 2013). They are putting up posters and banners as well as giving advertisement for this campaign to attract customers in a wide range. In order to appeal to this new market, specific communications, marketing techniques must be incorporated to make sure the campaign is promoted and marketed in the correct way. It is important advertise as it is the main tool for promotion and therefore it is used in this strategy (Baran and Galka 2013). stated that advertising can assist in building in long-term image of a product and in this case particularly it can help to enlarge the image of Hilton Hotels. It is important to advertise in the correct market and to make sure that the message is received rightly. If the market gets the right message and can enhance and spread a positive thought amon g the people through their advertisement, then it is believed that they will be more eager to purchase the idea of the hotel because of the coverage of the advertisement. (Minazzi and Lagrosen 2013) In this campaign the target market is decided but yet there is a question of who is going to be the potential user of this specific service. According to this promotional campaign the main target market is the LGBT community. Hilton wants to get as much exposure as it can. This process of the segmentation of market absorbs dividing the market into different groups or segments depending on the characteristic of the specific market. Like this the most suitable and attractive segments comes into being based on the services that are being given in the campaign to make it more efficient and effective. The market segmentation is generally divided into four groups i.e. demographic, geographic, psychographic and benefited oriented. For example in America and London, Hilton hotels are found most popular in terms of business and travel location. The LGBT right is also a concern in America and therefore for this particular campaign it has to be mostly for the American bases market and not in India. The demographic section deals with the segment which includes age, gender, social class, income, lifestyle and gender. In this perspective for this campaign the main target will be young people who want to travel and yet have a luxurious stay while they are opting for Hilton Hotels. However their target market will mainly depend on the demographic section, which deals with the thinking of a person and their personality as this campaign is basically an abstract thought which sells idea that encourages travelers and also enters the boarder of the LGBT conversation among the audience. The benefit segmentation deals with the executing market segmentation and thereafter on the basis of those benefits the customers come to use that service or product offered by the company. In this campaign Hilton is offering some real benefits for their customers who also include a sense of luxury and high status. Even though by mentioning the LGBT right it might come across that the hotel is aiming for a particular section of people, however that is not the entire case. This campaign is for all the people who love to travel. The market of traveler is huge and untouched, therefore it can provide with an approximate numbers as well. The staple of any campaign is the social media and hence it should be utilized and more importantly in this campaign where the main goal is to become important to the LGBT segment and their loyalty for the brand. Communication Objectives In order to establish the objectives of communication, it is important to understand where the target audience stands in comparison with the knowledge about the campaign. Here the LGBT segment is the main target that is being acknowledged by the Hilton Hotel because it is essential for the communication objectives to be about awareness. Hilton engages in both media and print advertising to communicate its marketing message to the target customer segment. The marketing communication of Hilton stresses on the message of highest standard of service condition, high level of integration of information technology in order to maximize service personalization and the perception of recognition, achievement and status. This campaign message is communicated through a set of specific fundaments of advertising promotional strategy such as advertisements in magazines and newspapers popular with senior level management professionals such as the The Economist, Financial Times, Fortune and Forbes. This promotion is done to persuade and manipulate potential customers to purchase service o products through introducing various offers and incentive (Hoque 2013). They offer various kinds of loyalty programs, discounts and free digital check in, free internet access, late check out and various such other offers (Huang and Cai 2015). They do the promotion by giving discount vouchers, and giving a wide range of discount websites. Hilton Hotels and Resorts gain practical advantages from using sales promotion in the form of increasing the level of revenues and achieving utilization of their rooms at a greater extend. Nevertheless, it is to be taken into account that by introducing aggressive sales promotion, Hilton is encouraging variety of customers to come and join them. However it might risk their brand value as they might give service in a cheaper price and in that respect they might compromise their level of exclusiveness of the brand. This sales promotion might be for a short time advantage and therefore marketing mix is important to see the framework of the campaign. This shows the promotion, place, product and price of that particular company. This 4Ps are very important to analyze the validity of the campaign. Hilton Hotel sells their service to corporations as well as individuals. Most of their service are offered on the basis of availability and thus are offered to prior booking. The competitiveness of the hotel is boosted by its ability to provide service beyond the experience of the customer (Armstrong 2015). Due to its brand name which is present in all over the world the level of expectation from this campaign is much high. This campaign will help the company to understand that they value their customer and think about them. This is an area where the company has applied rigorous measures to assure customer involvement and contentment. There are a lot of travelers the whole world wide and therefore this campaign might make them enthusiastic. The LGBT segment of the campaign have a made sure that it shows that the hotels thinks about all part of the society and is eager to welcome them in their plan. However this campaign will give an even rooms, accommodation rooms are valued at the fixed values. For the promotional campaign they are using their own rooms and have invited people to take part in it. The best things Hilton accomplished through this campaign are the sweepstakes. It will have the flexibility of the hotels prices which is determined by the profile of their customers. They will give special pricing offers to their traveling customer in order to keep the customers. The hotel has the majority of its subsidiaries located in UK at the heart of cities with near to airports and also in the most lively part of the city is mainly due to its features, which comprises casinos hotels, airport hotels and resort hotels, which make it easier for these travelers to access this hotel (Fan, Lau and Zhao 2015). They have an upper hand in this promotional plan as their targeted customers will get easy access in the company. The marketing coverage is achieved in a company through marketing and sales staff that are sent to other companies to market the service offered by the hotel. These are the chief marketing communication with an organization owing to event booking to ensure the accelerate planning. The promotional strategy is done by the company as an incentive trips. These trips are normally focused on potential customers (Lu et al. 2013). These LGBT travelers will be given vouchers and deluxe packaging that will ensure potential customers who will prefer this hotel over others for recognizing them (Leonidou et al. 2013). The company will also give a discount program for these LGBT travelers that will be designated in specific period such as in the festive seasons when the chances of travelling is high. It will also offer a 50% discount to those customers who will become a member or gold customers of the hotel. Communication Channel To set up this promotional campaign there have to be specific mode of communication channels that needs to be selected. It will use both personal and non personal communication for the duration of this campaign. Most of the major media advertisement will be used in the form of magazines and bill boards in order to advertise the campaign. This personal communication will be advertised through their app Hilton HHonors, they are also distributing pamphlets on roads, events and even in malls (Lwin and Phau 2013). This campaign will last for one month from the beginning of September 2017 to the end of September 2017. They are putting up posters on the billboards of the airports where they will seek most of the attention to shopping malls, historical places and on all the premium locations in order to seek the attention of the people. Placing the advertisement in a specific high traffic location will allow the campaign to be more effective as this will give time for the travelers to process the advertisement (Labrecque et al. 2013). The public relation of the campaign of this campaign is one of the best, Hilton is anyway already known for its best PR team, their work is not only appreciated in UK but globally. They will provide a membership card for their customers which are going to be a gate pass which will allow the customers to enter the hotels without any long channel for registration. This present the hotels publicity as a strong point, which is boosted by the fact that most dignitaries prefer the hotel while hosting their events (Armstrong 2015). Promotional Budget This campaign has a budget established for advertisement. The set budget for advertising will be limited for this campaign as their target audience is limited as well. Adding to that Hilton has vast amount of funding as it is an established and a famous hotel (Jung, Ineson and Green 2013). However the budget for this campaign is $43,000 as they are targeting a particular group of people. The first advertising form is putting up billboards in all the prime places. The personal advertisement i.e. billboards and posters which will cost $5, 500 and the non personal advertisement which includes an 30 seconds as well as a surprise headliners concert later on this month, which aims to instruct travelers on the prices and perks which will cost $ 24,000. As this campaign will run for one month which is 4 weeks, there it will cost $7,600. This effort will have international reach, it will be on newspapers, magazines, digital buys and local radio and as well as on property placements in Hilton hotels. The budget for commercial and print campaign will be photographed and filmed in London, New York, Thailand, Singapore and will be translated to 20 different languages globally, this will cost around $34,000. Though this campaign is London-based still its marketing is done globally. The Hilton HHonors members with this campaign can receive an exclusive discount on room rates if they book directly from their website (Adamopoulos and Todri 2015). Through this campaign the company has taken a very bold step by promoting this campaign idea but the company has a lot of hopes in this campaign and they believe that it will bring profit to the company (Lee et al. 2014). As they have their own magazine so there they will get a cost cut but however the events that is going to take place. The dynamism will increase the market coverage for the hotel, this campaign has incorporated innovative ideas in their approach of service dynamism is essential in order to maintain the hotels competitiveness in the industry. In their campaign they have incorporated technological aspects of innovativeness in order to manage customer demands and needs. Hilton Hotel has invested in their technologically i.e. their app through which they can connect to their customers, the official websites from where there customers can directly book their rooms, they have their own web portal has well. This campaign will increase their customers and will also show tha t they value all types of customers, all different types of customers (Fan, Lau and Zhao 2015). The ultimate goals of this campaign are to improve the productivity and the profitability of the hotel. This campaign will increase income from these travelers who travels in the low seasons when the room is booked at the lowest price. The budget plan gives an outline of the total estimated budget starting from their basic cost to their main cost. They have done online advertisement as well by mainly using social media, which cost around $800 (See Appendix 4) This budget division By this it will increase the level of exposure of the hotel to its customers. Conclusion The promotional campaign is for the growth of the company and also to show that the company respects this LGBT segment of the society and to help them. They already have a well established market which makes their work easier as they know that they already have their loyal customers and brand recognition. This promotional marketing plan is targeting the LGBT travelers, being on a flight they can read about the campaign from the travel magazine. This report has covered all the parts of the campaign; it has marketing strategies and objectives. It has given the marketing mix i.e. the 4Ps just to understand the growth and the outcome of this campaign. However it is important to see that the campaign is strong and mindful and gives a good competition to their other competitors. The inspiration of this campaign was to gain 50 billion Hilton HHonors Points and to gain more customers through this task. The current budget policy is fixated for one month of the campaign which might increase th e profitability of the market. 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